Pandemic Peregrinations: Hawes Bridge, Prizet, Cumbria, Spring

Today it hit 21°C in Kendal. This is where it starts to get sort of uncomfortable for me and Lisabet.

We’re both very much into cool and blustery conditions (by the sea in Lisabet’s case, in the mountains for me). Nevertheless, today we took our Government Permitted Outdoor Exercise to Hawes Bridge, our new local favourite. The gorge is now looking extremely lush, especially when you compare it to the first time we visited the area, less than 2 months ago.

The lane through Scroggs Wood, filled with wild garlic, bluebells, and all sorts of other flora. Oh, and midges. Never forget the midges.

Today was very much about big fluffy clouds, it seems.

The point where the River Kent drastically narrows, essentially turning on its side and cutting out this deep limestone gorge.


Pandemic Peregrinations: Castle Hill, Kendal, Cumbria, Spring


Pandemic Peregrinations: Stainbank Green, Kendal, Cumbria, Spring